/ Associate Creative Director (ACD ART)

Offset Box Set


The Offset Boxset is a meticulously crafted collection of books, chosen to offset the carbon emissions generated by social media.

Every second of social media generates carbon emissions. But every second of reading doesn’t. That’s why we launched the Offset Boxset - designed to show how every second of reading can save the planet. For instance, if you spend 14 hours on social media, you generate 1 kilo of co2eq. Our 1-kilo boxset, had books with the exact reading time required to reduce it. People could choose to reduce 1,2,3 or 4 kilos of co2eq. We also teamed up with Sacred Groves, an organization that works to protect forests. Buying a 1-kilo boxset would help preserve 10sq. ft of forest. This partnership meant that readers could now become guardians of the forest.

This video case below generates 2.5g CO2eq per play. Please watch responsibly:


Cannes Lions 2024 - 1xSilver - Industry Craft